Customizing your language file

The language file contains all the text that is used in the generated HTML pages that is not part of your genealogy data. Each line contains a key and a value, the key identifying an item to be displayed on the page, and the value defining the text to be displayed for this item. Therefore you can have the program generate your pages in any language you like.

As an example, the genealogy tree of the Kennedys can be displayed in English, or in French or in German. All it took to do that is change the language file to be English or French or German and regenerate the files.
The key names used in the language file follow a syntax similar to the one used in GEDCOM files. The value must follow either blanks or tabs, and empty lines are ignored. Note that it can use the HTML syntax to display special character or HTTP links. Here is a detailed description of the keys:

Language file header

LANG  This must be on the first line. This defines how the language file is to be used by the program in relation to the GEDCOM file. One ofthe files must have the value "default". Other values will be matched against the nationality field of the father in a family to display the family page in that language. If an individual has no nationality field, the default language is used, otherwise the language file whose NATI field is the same as the individual's nationality will be used to generate that individual's family page. For example in a bilingual family where the father is French and the mother is English, their family will be displayed in French but the mother's families (parents or siblings) will be in English.

Text displayed in a family page

Note that in some language, there is a distinction between male and female denominations, that's why some fields can be found with two denominations ending with M (male) or F (female). Also, this list determines what informations will be generated: if some of these fields are omitted from this file, the pertaining informations will not appear in the HTML pages.
FAM  Family
PAR  Header for parents section in the page
CHIL  Header for children section in the page
DATE  Date
PLAC  This is displayed between the date of birth and the location (e.g: "in" in English)
BIRM  Header for  the date and location of birth for a male (e.g.: "Born" in English)
BIRF  Header for  the date and location of birthfor a female
MARR  Header for the date and location of marriage fora couple
DIV  Header for the date and location of divorce for a couple
DEAM  Header for  the date and location of death for a male
DEAF  Header for  the date and location of death for a female
BURM Header for the date and location of burial for a male
BURF Header for the date and location of burial for a female
NATI Header for nationality
HEAL Header for health informations
EDUC  Header for education
OCCU  Header for occupation
RELI Header for religion
NOTE Header for additional notes on the individual
ASC  Header for the ascendants section in the page
DESC  Header for the descendants in the page

Text displayed in the pages header and footer

This is used to display the indices and a user-defined link on top of each page and statistics at the bottom of index pages.
FAMS  Used for the number of families displayed in the index footers
INDI  Used for the number of individuals displayed in the index footers
FNAM  Name of the first name index
LNAM  Name of the last name index
BDAT  Name of the birth dates index
BDAY  Name of the birthdays index
LINK  User defined link at the top of each page. You can use it to show a link to a help page, another web site, your email address, any text or any HTML directive.

Text used to display dates

This is self explanatory. Each month should be listed here. Note that the dates are displayed as <day of month> <month> <year>
ABT  This name is displayed for approximate dates (e.g "circa" in English)
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